Monday, September 3, 2012

Some of those fun people

 These will seem a little random, but they are selections of some of the great moments here. These are two of the students, and two of my players, in the local school showing off their new bracelets we just made out of recycled Dorritos bags. The best part-they all brought their own materials and showed me more they made after the class!
 The gang! All except for the 2 youngest are on the Cuatro Esquinas team. They hang out playing fubol barefoot or by the hammock and talk to me, asking lots of questions and trying to learn English (sometimes)
 Lobo, the cutest and whiniest puppy. Everyone keeps stepping on him, and then he screams, but I protest that dogs have some of the best hearing, so he should be able to move, but none of the dogs here do. He is really cute though, so it's hard to be mad at him-even when he pees inside!
 This was my first back-of-the-truck excursion. My uncle is on the right (with the Boston hat!!) and one of the baseball players and cooperative members is on the left. And yes we are in the back of a truck and yes it rained on us. But it was so much fun!
Kids from both Corozal and Cuatro Esquinas playing pick-up fubol after the official Youth League Meeting.

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