Monday, September 3, 2012

Projects for the first month

 Some snapshots of the projects that I was able to do, or start, in my first month. This is the almacigo, or nursery, for some of the plants I hope to put in a garden space by my house and my uncles' house. Thanks to Mom and Peace Corps for the seeds and Mom and Dad for the newspaper, which I rolled into biodegradable containers for the soil. One of my players, Juan, has been super helpful with planting and the soil prep. He's one of my rockstars! We've got some cucumbers (pepino), tomatoes (tomates), and sunflower (hierrasol) that we are trying.
 The finished trash bracelets. Both classes made these out of recycled chip bags. Usually the bags just go on the ground like the rest of the Nica trash because there is very little trash collection, but since this project, I have seen several students picking up chip bags. It's a start!
 Hard to read, but this is one of the community bank accounting sheets. Everything the banks do by computer in the States, the community leaders do by hand. The Bank was started by Jessica and is still going strong! It is a lot of calculations and it's a little more complicated because there is no fixed rate and a lot of flexibility with paying back with this group so the numbers get a little funky- but we are probably going to have a math confidence workshop in the community.
 My host dad and host brother-in-law working on my shelves! Yay!!
The chip bags drying for the bracelet project. Needless to say, they serve as their own publicity and I am officially the crazy gringa who picks up trash.

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