Monday, September 3, 2012

Baseball pics

Good morning all! After a few lovely meals and a lot of walking around yesterday, I think I'm finally getting the hang of Jinotega. And I was able to load more pictures this morning. This is the Cuatro Esquinas baseball team, Odorico!
 First Game: very official in Cenizabu. There is a real field that only a few cows and horses run graze through.
 The snack stand: women and young kids make refreshments at their houses and sell them around the half-point since most games are double headers.
 My uncle, Juan Gadea, on the right. He actually called me to come to the Opening Day Parade-since I have the camera and "need to take a picture of everything and everyone." :)
 The parade!: the community wanted me to be the one in the middle in the dress, but I respectfully declined. All the teams in Pantasma line up and walk the streets of Praderas with a marching band to the big field.
 Carlos! The son of one of our catchers, and just an all-around sweet kid, he loves every sport and is one of my youth soccer players!
The fan club!: Some of the siblings and wives of the baseball players. In the red tank is Linda, she works at my grandparent's pulperia; then there is Aracelly to her right, who is one of the assistants at the cooperative, then Blondie, who is one of the players' girlfriend.

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