Saturday, June 30, 2012


We baked our product with our youth for the first time this Thursday!! It was such a success! Still can't tell you what it is in case other trainees in the other competing groups find out (shhh!)
 Even the youngest youth helped. Technically, we are only supposed to be working with youth ages 15-24, but how can you say no to 4 year olds like William and Meli!?
 Eddy and my host brother, Wilmer, prepping the coconut and pineapple. It was such an out of body experience to be baking and just watching as the youth did almost all of it. They rock!! They use the machine in the corner called a molinda, or grinder, to grind and crush everything! We use them in the states to grind corn and wheat too, but they use it for fruit and veggies and everything!
 Alberto, David, Eddy, Johnaton and Fidel in front of the horno while the 2nd cake is baking! I was the only girl in the whole kitchen! Busting those gender roles!
 Stefan and Benjamin working out the logistics for the logo and packaging of the baked good. The kids really dynamic and receptive and incredibly intuitive. I was so proud of them! Some of them worked with us the whole day, so close to 5 or 6 hours straight of baking, packaging and selling!
 Selling the finished product. I was the official tesoro, or money holder/treasurer. The community members were supportive and also very verbal with suggestions for the next time we bake. Less sugar and smaller pieces for less money...good to know
And lastly, I know it's fuzzy, but while we were selling around the neighborhood, the kids found some old bike tires and started racing the tires up and down the dirt paths in the fields. If this doesn't put a smile on your face, nothing will. It's the little things! :) Many hugs, Meg

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meg Amazing pictures and so many adventures. It made me smile to see you up at bat on the baseball field. Such a natural. Back in your element. Cooking and playing ball. I love you. Love, Aunt Wendy
