Saturday, June 30, 2012

Masaya Day Trip

The weekend before Tech Week, my training group decided to check out Masaya, one of the bigger cities in the same municipality as Masatepe and Jardin Botanico, our training town. There is an Artesanal Market and a much bigger and cooler general market for everyday goods. 
 One of the many funky gifts you could get in the wicked gringo touristy Artesan Market. funny.....
 The beginning of acclimating to the bus transportation system. They are all old school buses and the can fit as many people as the chofer says they can fit (you would be surprised!). And then people can fit on the top with the chickens and bags of mangos. Personal space does not exist on the bus and you have to watch yourself and your belongings. There are incredibly nice people on the bus too who make sure that you get off at the right stop.
And there are incredibly cute little girls in the bus stop market in hammocks just hanging out!

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