Monday, May 28, 2012

Moms and Fleas

Happy Nicaraguan Mothers Day! Will keep you posted on the ipod. Not much to report besides More charlas (including a 2 hours long talk about rape and sexual assaulr-in case you wondered if the 20/20 interview had an effect) Got to build an improved oven on Saturday so hope to put a picture up of that soon. Seem to be fizzling out a bit as the cultural adrenaline wears off and it{s only 3 weeks into training. There is kind of a tight-rope walk between wanting to integrate more into this community, but not wanting to overextend my energy early in the term for a community I will only be with for 3 months. It{s also hard for me not to talk to or scold the two children when they misbehave (which has been increasing recently- i think its mostly for attention). Peace Corps thinks I got some mild flea bites or have a reaction to the mosquitoes, so lathered up in the good calagel and hydrocortizone cream. Yummy! Community garden looks great with radishes coming up in a nice little row and tomatoes following in the little greenhouse (pics to come). Youth meetings also going relatively well, but again the tightrope of wanting to engage more but having to follow the Peace Corps training schedule to practice various experiences that may happen in site. Will find a balance between experience and evaluation somewhere. 

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