Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving and Hiking in Jinotega

So we actually went hiking after Thanksgiving, but I uploaded the photos in opposite order...oops. First Thanksgiving in the Peace Corps and away from home. Had an awesome time (minus being sick) and it just goes to show that Peace Corps Volunteers always make the best of things.
Saturday went hiking with a bunch of Health Volunteers. We hiked to the Cross on the West side of Jinotega. This is the cool touristy thing to do in Jinotega: hike straight uphill up a huge flight of stairs (imagine Stair Master) to a huge cross. And you get views like this of all of Jinotega City as you walk up.
 The girls-Katherina, Angie, Anna, and Julianne. All awesome Volunteers and kindred spirits. And all of us huffed and puffed together for a couple of hours. But we did it!
 From the top you can see Lake Apanas, the really big body of water on the map in Jinotega. My site is all the way on the other end of the lake from this end......all the way over theeeeeeeeeeeeerrrree. :)
 Me on the top of the mountain. there is actually a flat part right before the cross where we hung out and caught our breath while eating oranges. And enjoyed more scenery! Definitely had some awesome parallels to hiking in New England and it's just good to get moving around after being on those buses.
 The cutest pair of kids who found and befriended us on the top. And would not stop talking-but in the cute, little-kid way. And they followed us all the way down too, taking turns holding our hands. Soooo cute!!
 Sunning on the rocks at the top with our new friends. It was super windy so we grabbed any sun we could find. The little boy definitely had a crush on Angy. We've decided that the boy is going to grow up to be Community Counterpart for the Peace Corps, because he has no problem talking to gringas.
 The top with the cross. Needless to say, this is the cool place for the youth to hang out on weekends.
 And then there are these characters who are apparently security for the cross. But it is a little daunting to see two people just walking around with rifles in the middle of jungle forest Jinotegan mountains when you're hiking. We had a lovely conversation though and he wanted to know where I learned to speak Spanish so well and if we were from the area. And he was nice enough to remind us to be careful on the mountain. Lovely.
 Angie about the walk off the abyss.Don't do it Angie! Don't do it!
 We made it! At the top! Little winded, windblown, but happy and sunny!
Walking down with the same cute kids. Here he is holding Katherine's hand "so he doesn't fall." I definitely think this shot is in the running for the next Peace Corps promotional material: Life is calling: Where will you go?
 And then there was Thanksgiving at the Ambassador's house. She has a ridiculously nice house-with a pool and lovely artwork and everything. Turns out that I got to go by accident because I was listed as being from the AG 56 ,the group that has actually been here a year longer. But I'm not complaining!
 Especially not with food like this!! All the fixings and the trimmings. I won't lie- I went back for seconds and easily ate my body weight. It was so good!! Apparently they sell everything at PriceMart Nicaragua- I didn't even know they had a PriceMart here. And sweet potatoes and corn scallop and turkey and mashed potatoes---and I'm drooling again. :)
 And the best part was the decorations! The Ambassador, who is one sharp lady, had all these squeaky bath duckies, all different thanksgiving characters: native american ducky, pilgrim ducky, turkey ducky, all of them.
 One very happy Peace Corps Volunteer! I also got to talk to several Embassy families and staff, one of whom talked to me at length about applying for the Foreign Service after Peace Corps....hmmmmm.........

 And then Saturday we had a get-together of just Jinotegan Volunteers at Harry's house, a Small Business Volunteer. Here are a whole bunch of the girls enjoying the amazing potluck dinner; rotisserie chickens, broccoli, squash, apple crisp, malanga-and drooling again. Needless to say, in the Peace Corps you slowly begin to resort back to college years when all you think about is food.
 And somehow Johanna found this incredible little guy-waddling turkey. We let him hop around for five or six minutes and then needed the batteries. But we did get quite the laugh. And Harry said he came with the house.
 Sunset over Jinotega from Harry's house. Gosh this is such a beautiful place! And what a better way to pass the time after digesting copious amounts of food?
And the next holiday is already right around the corner...or across the street from Harry's. :) Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meg, Thank you for the post card. It arrived today. Great pictures. Sorry to hear about the rash and that you are sick again. (Ugh!) I love the photos of your new place, especially the chill hammock. Please rest and take care. Siesta's exist for a reason. I love you. Love, Aunt Wendy
